OnlyMusic Cookies Policy
Thank you for your interest in OnlyMusic and our use of HTTP cookies.
We do not use HTTP cookies to store OnlyMusic generated data. However, we do store small pieces of non-personally identifiable information in browser local storage as a part of how our platform works. Beyond this, we do rely on some third party software that in turn uses their own HTTP cookies. In this document, we describe what HTTP cookies you will encounter while using our platform.
OnlyMusic uses a local storage entry to store a token for our platform to identify which account you are using. That cookie contains a single value which is a unique account identifier. It contains no other information.
OnlyMusic uses another local storage entry to store whether you agree to this cookie policy.
We DO NOT store any personally identifiable information in cookies or local storage.
Our payment provider, Stripe, may store information in cookies or local storage in your browser. They are in full control of the content of those cookies. You can view their cookie policy at Stripe Cookie Policy.
For lots of information on what HTTP cookies are, their history and uses, please consider the Wikipedia article on HTTP cookies for more information.
For information on local storage, please consider Wikipedia article on Web Storage for more information.